No backyard? — no matter. You can make your deck, patio, or balcony a haven for birds. A collection of large potted plants, a bird feeder and fresh water are all it takes.

Clean Water: A birdbath, a rimmed dish, use your imagination —water only needs to be a couple of inches deep for drinking and preening. Provide a clean source and if you can afford a water feature that keeps the water moving, you will make your feathered friends most happy.

Bird Houses & Feeders: Bird houses are a wonderful way of attracting nesting birds. Match the style of the house to the type of bird you want to attract. Be sure the placement is where predators cannot invade.

Organic Practices: Skip herbicides and pesticides. You want to provide safe food. Remember, the bugs in your garden and yard provide food for your winged friends.

Habitat/Shelter: Ornamental grasses, shrubs (especially evergreen ones), and small trees provide shelter for birds. Providing hiding and nesting places protects them — especially when raising their young.

Bugs Away: One nest of baby birds can eat up to 6000 caterpillars and insects per day. They are essential for nourishing our backyard birds.

Now that you’ve created a bird sanctuary — sit back with some binoculars and enjoy watching and listening to your backyard visitors!